Sunday, May 16, 2010

Whats wrong with knives

You know how people say... " Never bring a knife to a gun fight".

Im not sure who said this originally, but they probably thought they were onto something big. Some great words of wisdom that would make the great quote makers of our time tremble in thier boots.Somehow Im thinking this was the end result of a line of similar phrases that noone has dared yet to conquer. For instance: Why hasnt anyone thought of a saying that would beat the gun. " Never bring a gun to a nuclear bomb fight " That sounds better. Maybe a bit excessive but lets face it.. Im sure at one time the gun was thought to be as unbeatable as a nuclear bomb.
Allow us to back track and see how this series of sayings might have possibly evolved"
  • Never bring a knife to a gun fight
  • Never bring food to a knife fight
  • Never bring a fist to a food fight
  • Never show up to a fist fight

So it probably went something like that. Well obviously people just dont respect the knife enough. A knife can do alot of damage, not only physically, but psychologically as well. Thats the beauty of it. So lets look at a few reasons why the term Never bring a knife to a gun fight should even exist anymore.

Reason 1: Crazy people carry knives. If you are insane enough to pull out a knife on someone. I dont want to have anything to do with you. Why? Because you are a knife wielding maniac, thats why. When I watch a movie and I see a sociopathic dude, hes usually holding a machete or some sharp thing he wants to poke inside you several times. When was the last time they made a movie about a crazy person with a gun. Never, as far as I can remember. You know why? Because there is nothing frightening about that.
Reason 2: You can carry a knife anywhere. Even in your shoe. So when you pull out a gun to shoot me, I would toss my hands up and say, "WHOA! Hold on a sec.. lets talk about this. We can work this out." Then I would roundhouse kick you to the throat with ninja like percision and you wouldnt see it coming. Bam, your dead. Check out my shoe knife, yeah I made this. Oh wait you cant. your dead.
Reason 3:Knives come in all kinds of cool looking shapes and sizes. Seriously, this is a cool knife. The knife itself is very cool. Being seen with a knife like this. Not so much. It just screams science fiction geek or die-hard Lord of the Rings fan. And we all know those people are emo /gothic disregard for life type of people right!Wait, why do I know that. Lets not talk about me. Lets talk about this very awesome little knife !!!

There is nothing awesome about a little gun. Sorry.

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